Friday, 25 April 2014

New Site Idea - Fleming House Underground Car Park

Images from Counter Flows Website 

I am thinking this might be a possible site. It is a hidden, fairly unknown and obscure setting for art, but the interesting aspect is that it might offer an enhanced sensory experience of the work. The setting is naturally dark so for a projection piece it does mean the work would stand out more. Although my initial idea was to have the work in a room that has natural light and that the quality of the work would be altered by the change of lighting, I will need to forfeit this aspect if I do go for the space. I suppose viewers will only really get one experience of the work at a specific time so this idea of the changing quality of natural light on the work would probably be lost anyway. 

I also like the rough, edgy quality of the environment...a space that is a about function and not aesthetics becomes a space for aesthetic experience. Perhaps it is also less inhibiting than a white cube space..but the problem is that it is MASSIVE. I have been to exhibitions in this space before and the space does seem to go on forever. I suppose I could wall-off an area to make it smaller, but I am wary of the space overwhelming the work. Also the point of translucency might be lost in a dark space. Finally, the idea of projecting on glass might also become a health and safety issue. If the setting is too dark, could someone inadvertently walk into the edge of the glass?       

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