I decided to recreate the concept of the video projection work in AfterEffects as it would give me more control of the way the coloured lights move. To do this I created the coloured dots in photoshop and then imported them into AfterEffects to animate the motion. The edge of the dots were 'feathered' in photoshop to emulate the effects of the lights in the traffic video.
In the first test video, I experimented with movement and opacity settings. By adjusting the opacity settings and reducing the opacity to 0% at particular durations I could create a flashing effect as seen in the bright blue dot.
In the second test video, I worked on creating more dots and tried to refine the movement of the dots. The overall effect is really quite a rough idea of what the actual work might look like. I think the motion stills needs work and that there needs to be A LOT more dots, emerging as a constant stream. From my research into Camille Utterback's interactive work e.g. Text Rain, Abundance and Untitled 5, the work was created by coding. I think this is really the direction the work would have to take so that I can define the 'rules' of the motion, the colours and how the interaction of the viewer would affect the dots. For example, the dots would flow downwards in a constant stream from the top of the screen but the motion of the viewer walking across the screen would create a current that would 'disturb' the flow of the dots. The dots would also land on objects in the space e.g. a held up arm/hand, shoulders, heads. The viewer could physically direct the motion of the dots by waving their arms, holding the dots etc. Although I have no experience of coding, this is an area that I would like to start exploring so I will look into doing this on Codecademy an online site for learning different coding languages.
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