Monday, 14 April 2014

Light Animation

I have some tentative ideas of where I might take my ideas forward for a final piece. I am interested in some kind of video projection that incorporates colour and motion. I feel the medium of video would work well with my interest in light, motion, time and space as video work is essentially time-based and by its own medium, speaks of time, light and motion.  The questions that I now have to work out are:

What will I project? 

What will I be projecting onto?
Where will the work be sited?   

I have been looking at materials and analogue ways of creating a sense of motion with colour and came across a gift bag patterned with small iridescent dots. When the bag is positioned in different ways, or if I move around the bag, the coloured dots shimmer in radiant colours. Aside from the projection idea, I am imagining a room wallpapered from floor to ceiling in this paper...walking around or through the room will generate multiple optical colour effects. Perhaps this could be a room, or walkway/tunnel that viewers would go through to enter the projection...  

In any case, I decided to experiment with the phenomenon of iridescence in video as this may be a viable option for projection. Using photoshop I inverted the photo to get a lighter background and then adjusted the hue by 5 starting at -180 and then gradually moved up to 180, with the saturation kept at -50 throughout. Each adjustment was saved to create a frame for the video. The frames were imported into Finalcutpro to create a short animation. Each frame was initially reduced to about 1fps but the movement of the colour was quite jumpy so the frames were reduced to 0.5fps for a smoother motion. I am not sure if this is the way forward for the final piece but it is an interesting effect nevertheless. Ideally I would like to incorporate interactivity that would actively involve the participants in creating the work. I know my knowledge of coding, interactive hardware and software is nonexistent...I wonder if bringing a software engineer into the collaboration of this artwork could be part of the pitch??!


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